Sunday, December 20, 2009

Lubbock, Texas High School 1939 Football Team Photo

Lubbock, Texas High School 1939 Football Team

In the photograph: J. D. Wynn, Henry Lawson, Franklin Butler, Max Walthall, Francis Bearden, Jimmy Williamson, Troy Davidson, Robert McKinnon, Jack Lovin, Clifton Hill, Howard Alford, Paul Sparkman, Joe Tyson, James Barker, Fred Redwine, R. E. Jones, Coach Walter Nichols, J. A. Blackwell, Ed Crites, Carl Sanders, Pete Cawthon, James Merriman, J. D. Milner, Pritchett Hart, Leete Jackson, Coach J. G. Keys, Floyd Ward, Ray McBrayer, Arlie Chism, Robert Parks, Pat Farris, L. A. Storrs, Dan Gregory, Milner Thorne

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Tyler, Texas High School 1939 Football Team Photo

Tyler, Texas High School 1939 Football Team

In the photograph: Walton Roberts, Henry Lee Conaway, Billy Jack Brooks, Charles Hammett, Derwood Mumford, Billy Flanagan, Harry Cook, Charles Finlayson, Milton Pearson, Wayne Burnett, Bobby Hendricks, Dick Allen, Jim Rozell, Lester Owen, Jerry Stirman, Gilbert Johnson, Homer Adams, Kenneth Nelson, Charles Tunnell, Dale Byrd, Jack Johnston, Donald Alfred, Bill Reynolds, Billy Bryant, Bruce Gables, John Lipstate, Eddie Richardson, James Dennis, Raymond Towns, Carl McGinney, J. D. Kay, Bob Breedlove, Happy Ellis, Arleigh Stanley, James Newman, O. L. Fielder, Clifford Long, Lowell Ellis, Banard Frazier, Ray Jackson, Cecil Moore, Weldon Hokem, Billy Stallings, George McCullough, Bryant Davis, Max Culbertson.

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Bonham, Texas High School 1938 Football Team Photo

Bonham, Texas High School 1938 Football Team

In the photograph: J. O. Tate, Conley Williams, Ural Darling, Bobby Phillips, Billy McConnell, George Tarpley, Clyde Hall, J. B. Parsons, Coach Orick, Coach Morris, Leslie White, Roy Brakebill, James Bragg, R. G. Smith, Lem Tittsworth, R. D. McRae, Edwin Walker, Olen Bethel, Coach May, Harold English, Arba Orenduff, Lloyd Bono, John W. Smith, Bill Burnett, Douglas Heneger, Bacon Jones.

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Abilene Christian College, Abilene, Texas 1933 Football Team Photo

Abilene Christian College, Abilene, Texas 1933 Football Team

In the photograph: Landon Hill, Jack Carter, Tommy Campbell, Landiss, Bert Ezzell, Roberson, Bill Maxwell, Perry Mason, Velton Raymer, Don Nelson, Dawkins, Sammy Bryan, Buford Baldwin, Virgile Keyes, Wyatt, Louis Cockrell, Hayden Pyeatt, John McKinzie, Velton Moser, Johnny Connel, Wilford Cooper, Jake Gray - captain, John Ross, Andy Anderson, Charles Holmes, R. V. Hardegree, McKinnis - Manager, Coach A. B. "Bugs" Morris, "Little Bugs" - Mascot

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